Friday, 10 February 2012

Goooood dAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my peopleeeeeeeeeeee the gist i got for u today ok sit back,relax aand enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

naija buka

daddy(APparently park chiefffffff)that likes the chick from the villlllage,she says i dont like the nokia phone u gave mi its chinko(china) Ghen Ghen,says she wants to PiNG,WAT,i was so Dazzed ''pInG ,Even buKa chick knoWS piNg tooooooooo,naija o Wake Upupp

1 comment:

  1. not surprising to me. at least buka girl speaks english, wears prada, wears make up, and wears high heels so why shouldn't she 'ping'?
